

發佈時間: 2017-11-12 10:58:02 發佈作者:杭州電商互聯科技有限公司



世界知識產權組織(World Intellectual Property Organization,WIPO)官方網站的答案:商標是將某商品或服務標明是某具體個人或企業所生產或提供的商品或服務的顯著標志。商標的起源可追溯到古代,當時工匠們將其簽字或“標記”印制在其藝術品或實用產品上。隨著歲月遷流,這些標記演變成為今天的商標註冊和保護制度。這一制度幫助消費者識別和購買某產品或服務,因為由產品或服務上特有的商標所標示的該產品或服務的性質和質量符合他們的需求。








所謂有美感是指名稱形象鮮明,能使人產生美好聯想。如:鬱 金香牌壁紙、企鵝牌羊毛衫、蓮花牌味精。






二、個人合夥可以以其《營業執照》登記的字號或有關主管機 關登記文件登記的字號作為申請人名義提出商標註冊申請,也可以以全體合夥人的名義共同提出商標註冊申請。以全體合夥人的名義共同提出申請時應提交以下材料的復印件:







四、其他依法獲準從事經營活動的自然人,可以以其在有關行政主管機 關頒發的登記文件中登載的經營者名義提出商標註冊申請,申請時應提交以下材料的復印件:


(二)有關行政主管機 關頒發的登記文件。











以音符編成的一組音樂或以某種特殊聲音作為商品或服務的商標即是音響商標。如美國一傢唱片公司使用11個音符編成一組樂曲,把它灌制在他們所出售的錄音帶的開頭,作為識別其商品的標志。這個公司為瞭保護其音響的專用權,防止他人使用、仿制而申請瞭註冊。音響商標目前隻在美國等少數國 傢得到承認。在中國尚不能註冊為商標;


本文標簽:企業服務代理加盟 、 企業服務代理加盟哪個公司品牌好

For example, haier not only makes refrigerators, but also produces air conditioners, electric fans and other rich varieties. By constantly updating its products, consumers can meet different needs.


請求信息 : 2017-11-14 13:31:58 HTTP/1.1 GET : //201711/61695928.html運行時間 : 0.1873s ( Load:0.0305s Init:0.0112s Exec:0.1195s Template:0.0261s )吞吐率 : 5.34req/s內存開銷 : 3,351.15 kb查詢信息 : 53 queries 1 writes 文件加載 : 59緩存信息 : 1 gets 0 writes 配置加載 : 156會話信息 : SESSION_ID=4t9btjgf6dr0tjti4v8hontpa1

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[ app_init ] --START--Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000033s ]Run Common\Behavior\InitHookBehavior [ RunTime:0.002942s ][ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003154s ][ app_begin ] --START--Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000971s ]Run Behavior\CheckLangBehavior [ RunTime:0.001297s ]Run Common\Behavior\UrldecodeGetBehavior [ RunTime:0.000434s ][ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002951s ][ view_parse ] --START--[ template_filter ] --START--Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000214s ][ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000314s ]Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.022641s ][ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.022742s ][ view_filter ] --START--Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000433s ]Run Common\Behavior\TmplStripSpaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000433s ][ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001014s ][ app_end ] --START--

[2048] Declaration of Portal\Controller\ShopController::display() should be compatible with Common\Controller\HomebaseController::display($templateFile = '', $charset = '', $contentType = '', $content = '', $prefix = '') /data/wwwroot/application/Portal/Controller/ShopController.class.php 第 8 行.[2048] Declaration of Portal\Controller\ShopController::fetch() should be compatible with Common\Controller\HomebaseController::fetch($templateFile = '', $content = '', $prefix = '') /data/wwwroot/application/Portal/Controller/ShopController.class.php 第 8 行.[2048] Declaration of Portal\Controller\ShopController::buildHtml() should be compatible with Think\Controller::buildHtml($htmlfile = '', $htmlpath = '', $templateFile = '') /data/wwwroot/application/Portal/Controller/ShopController.class.php 第 8 行.[2048] Declaration of Portal\Controller\NewsController::show() should be compatible with Think\Controller::show($content, $charset = '', $contentType = '', $prefix = '') /data/wwwroot/application/Portal/Controller/NewsController.class.php 第 8 行.[8] Undefined variable: webid /data/wwwroot/application/Portal/Controller/ShopController.class.php 第 24 行.[8] Undefined variable: cz /data/wwwroot/themes/002hongsepc/Portal/Public/bottom.html 第 8 行.

SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_web` [ RunTime:0.0031s ]SELECT cmf_web.id FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `site_tpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 700 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_201711news` [ RunTime:0.0027s ]SELECT `web_id` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0005s ]SELECT `shop_name` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT cmf_web.id FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='qweq11' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT user.user_url FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='qweq11' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_news_pre` [ RunTime:0.0018s ]SELECT `unique` FROM `cmf_news_pre` WHERE `web_id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SELECT * FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_logo` [ RunTime:0.0017s ]SELECT `pic_url` FROM `cmf_logo` WHERE `web_id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_banner` [ RunTime:0.0018s ]SELECT `url`,`pic_url` FROM `cmf_banner` WHERE `web_id` = 1556 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT cmf_web.id FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='qweq11' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `site_tpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SELECT `site_waptpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_options` [ RunTime:0.0017s ]SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_options` WHERE `option_name` = 'cdn_settings' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_users` [ RunTime:0.0036s ]SELECT `user_status` FROM `cmf_users` WHERE `shop_name` = 'qweq11' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_pingtai` [ RunTime:0.0019s ]SELECT * FROM `cmf_pingtai` WHERE `mulu` = 'sjzzx' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT `ping_url` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0004s ]SELECT `id`,`cnzz`,`end_date`,`wap_url`,`guan_url` FROM `cmf_users` WHERE `shop_name` = 'qweq11' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_count` [ RunTime:0.0017s ]SELECT * FROM `cmf_count` WHERE `uid` = '1917' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_contact` [ RunTime:0.0024s ]SELECT * FROM `cmf_contact` WHERE `web_id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT group_concat(city) as city FROM `cmf_city` [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT * FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0006s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_property1` [ RunTime:0.0020s ]SELECT `word` FROM `cmf_property1` WHERE `id` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT `type_id` FROM `cmf_users` WHERE `shop_name` = 'qweq11' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT `title`,`url` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `id` '695929' AND `pipei` = '0' AND `web_id` = 1556 AND `ptiid` = 3681 LIMIT 2 [ RunTime:0.0015s ]SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_pro` [ RunTime:0.0022s ]SELECT `pageid`,`title`,`url`,`pic_url` FROM `cmf_pro` WHERE `web_id` = 1556 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.0009s ]SELECT `id` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0004s ]SELECT `title`,`url` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE ( id 695929 and ping_url='http://yzwb.sjzdaily.com.cn' ) AND `pipei` = '0' LIMIT 8 [ RunTime:0.0041s ]SELECT `web_id` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0006s ]SELECT `shop_name` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT cmf_web.id FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='qweq11' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]SELECT `site_tpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `site_waptpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_options` WHERE `option_name` = 'cdn_settings' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `web_id` FROM `cmf_201711news` WHERE `pageid` = '1695928' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0004s ]SELECT `shop_name` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT cmf_web.id FROM `cmf_web` left join cmf_users as user on user.id = cmf_web.shop_id WHERE ( user.shop_name='qweq11' ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `site_tpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]SELECT `site_waptpl` FROM `cmf_web` WHERE `id` = 1556 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_options` WHERE `option_name` = 'cdn_settings' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]

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